The Obadiah and Julia McInnis School of Ministries was founded in early 1998. It truly is a manifestation of one of the visions that God has given Pastor, Bishop Dr. Jimmie R. Horton for the church. It provides a sound basis for the School of Ministries and supports its vision of Gaining, Nurturing, Maintaining and Reclaiming souls for Christ.
One of the largest growing ministries within the church is the Youth Ministry, which focuses on our youth as the church of today.

Other active ministries include:

Gospel Mission Temple Obadiah and Julia McInnis School of Ministries
  • Addiction Prevention Ministry
  • Altar and Discipleship Ministry
  • Audio/Visual Media Ministry
  • Baptism Ministry
  • Bereavement Care Ministry
  • Brotherhood Ministry
  • Building Fund & Land Development Outreach Tract Ministry
  • Calendar of Events Ministry
  • Campus Beautification Ministry
  • Children & Youth Church Ministry
  • Convalescent Care Ministry
  • Culinary Service Ministry
  • Domestic Assistance Ministry
  • Drama & Fine Arts Ministry
  • Early Childhood Education Ministry
  • Educational Tutoring Ministry
  • Financial Management Ministry
  • Food Pantry Ministry  Sunday School Ministry
  • Foster Care Ministry
  • Full Gospel Stewardship Ministry
  • Global Outreach Ministry
  • GMT Ministerial Institute
  • Gospel Mission Temple Orchestra         
  • Gospel Press and Publishing Ministry
  • Healing For the Hurting Ministry
  • Health & Fitness Ministry
  • Holistic Counseling Ministry
  • Holistically Free Ministry
  • Hospitality, Greeting, & Usher
  • Human Resources Ministry
  • Information Technology Ministry
God's phenomenal demonstrations of his all sufficient power!
  •  Inspirational Music Ministry
  •  Intercessory Prayer Ministry
  •  Leadership Growth and Development
  •  Marriage and Family Counseling
  •  Ministers and Deacons Wives Ministry
  •  Out Reach News Ministry
  •  Parental Support Ministry
  •  Pastoral Assistance Ministry
  •  Pastoral Care Ministry
  •  Prison Rehabilitation Ministry
  •  Provisions for Community Needs
  •  Public Relations Ministry
  •  Senior Care Ministry
  •  Soul Saving Assessment Ministry
  •  Soul Winners Ministry
  •  Special Community Events Ministry
  •  Temple Prayer Ministry
  • The Christian Academy Ministry    
  •  Upper Room Ministry   
  •  Visitor Correspondence Ministry 
  •  Wellness Support Ministry
  •  Witness Within Walls
  •  Witness Without Walls
  •  Women of Virtue Ministry
  •  Youth Activities Ministry
  •  Young Godly Women’s Ministry
  •  Young Men of Valor Ministry
  •  Youth Mentoring Ministry
  •  Youth Outreach Ministry